s1etad.ql module

Geo-coded QuickLook image generation for ETAD.

s1etad.ql.create_gcps(lat, lon, h=None, gcp_step=(10, 10)) List[osgeo.gdal.GCP][source]

Generate a sub-sampled grid of GCPs form input coordinate matrices.

s1etad.ql.etad2ql(etad, outpath, *, correction_type: ECorrectionType | str = ECorrectionType.SUM, direction: Literal['x', 'y'] = 'x', meter: bool = True, drv_name: str = 'PNG', creation_options=('WORLDFILE=YES',))[source]

Generate a geo-coded quick-look image starting from an ETAD product.

s1etad.ql.save_geocoded_data(outfile, data, lat, lon, h=None, *, gcp_step: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, srs='wgs84', out_spacing=0.005, drv_name='GTIFF', creation_options=None, palette='jet', margin=100)[source]

Save a geo-coded version of input data into a GDAL dataset.

s1etad.ql.save_with_gcps(outfile: str, data, lat, lon, h=None, *, drv_name: str = 'GTIFF', nodata: float = -9999.0, gcp_step=(10, 10), srs='wgs84', creation_options=None)[source]

Save data into a GDAL dataset and GCPs for coordinates matrices.