Source code for s1etad.ql

"""Geo-coded QuickLook image generation for ETAD."""

import os
import functools
from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal, osr

from . import Sentinel1Etad, ECorrectionType
from .product import CorrectionType  # noqa

MAX_GCP_NUM = 10000  # empirical threshold
DEFAULT_LATLON_SPACING_DEG = 0.005  # deg --> 550m @ equator, 50 @ lat=85deg
DEFAULT_COLOR_TABLE_NAME = "jet"  # form matplotlib

def _write_band_data(band, data, nodata: float = -9999.0):
    if hasattr(data, "filled"):
        data = data.filled(nodata)

[docs] def create_gcps(lat, lon, h=None, gcp_step=(10, 10)) -> List[gdal.GCP]: """Generate a sub-sampled grid of GCPs form input coordinate matrices.""" assert lat.shape == lon.shape ysize, xsize = lat.shape ystep, xstep = gcp_step masks = [ data.mask if hasattr(data, "mask") else None for data in (lat, lon, h) ] mask: Optional[np.array] = None if masks: mask = functools.reduce(np.logical_or, masks) gcps = [] for line in range(0, ysize, ystep): for pix in range(0, xsize, xstep): if mask is None or mask[line, pix]: continue height = h[line, pix] if h is not None else 0.0 gcp_info = "" gcp_id = f"{len(gcps)}" gcp = gdal.GCP( lon[line, pix], lat[line, pix], height, pix, line, gcp_info, gcp_id, ) gcps.append(gcp) assert 0 < len(gcps) <= MAX_GCP_NUM return gcps
[docs] def save_with_gcps( outfile: str, data, lat, lon, h=None, *, drv_name: str = "GTIFF", nodata: float = -9999.0, gcp_step=(10, 10), srs="wgs84", creation_options=None, ): """Save data into a GDAL dataset and GCPs for coordinates matrices.""" drv = gdal.GetDriverByName(drv_name) assert drv is not None ysize, xsize = data.shape if creation_options is None: creation_options = [] ds = drv.Create( str(outfile), xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, bands=1, eType=gdal.GDT_Float32, options=creation_options, ) if isinstance(srs, str): srs_str = srs srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.SetWellKnownGeogCS(srs_str) gcps = create_gcps(lat, lon, h, gcp_step) ds.SetGCPs(gcps, srs) _write_band_data(ds.GetRasterBand(1), data, nodata) return ds
def _clip_bbox(bbox, q, margin=0): return ( np.floor(bbox[0] / q) * q - margin * q, np.floor(bbox[1] / q) * q - margin * q, np.ceil(bbox[2] / q) * q + margin * q, np.ceil(bbox[3] / q) * q + margin * q, ) def _compute_gcp_spacing(xsize, ysize, max_gcp_num: int = MAX_GCP_NUM): # assume 200 x 200 m ground spacing for ETAD products gcp_step = (25, 25) # 5 x 5 km # gcp_step = (50, 50) # 10 x 10 km # gcp_step = (100, 100) # 20 x 20 km while (ysize // gcp_step[0]) * (xsize // gcp_step[1]) > max_gcp_num: # increase the step only in the azimuth direction gcp_step = (gcp_step[0] * 2, gcp_step[1]) return gcp_step @functools.lru_cache def _get_color_table(name=DEFAULT_COLOR_TABLE_NAME): from matplotlib import cm from .kmz import Colorizer # noqa cmap = getattr(cm, name) # return Colorizer(1, 255, color_table=cmap).gdal_palette() table = gdal.ColorTable() table.SetColorEntry(0, (0, 0, 0, 0)) # zero is transparent for i, v in enumerate(np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 255), start=1): table.SetColorEntry(i, cmap(v, bytes=True)) return table
[docs] def save_geocoded_data( outfile, data, lat, lon, h=None, *, gcp_step: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, srs="wgs84", out_spacing=DEFAULT_LATLON_SPACING_DEG, drv_name="GTIFF", creation_options=None, palette=DEFAULT_COLOR_TABLE_NAME, margin=100, ): """Save a geo-coded version of input data into a GDAL dataset.""" ysize, xsize = data.shape if gcp_step is None: gcp_step = _compute_gcp_spacing(xsize, ysize) # dataset with GCP grid ds_sr_with_gcps = save_with_gcps( "", data, lat=lat, lon=lon, h=h, gcp_step=gcp_step, drv_name="MEM" ) # geocode the floating point image bbox = (lon.min(), lat.min(), lon.max(), lat.max()) bbox = _clip_bbox(bbox, out_spacing, margin=margin) ds_geocoded_float = gdal.Warp( "", ds_sr_with_gcps, format="MEM", dstSRS=srs, xRes=out_spacing, yRes=out_spacing, targetAlignedPixels=True, outputBounds=bbox, outputBoundsSRS=srs, ) # scale the geocoded image to bytes scale_params = [[data.min(), data.max(), 0, 255]] # NOTE: list of lists ds_geocoded_bytes = gdal.Translate( "", ds_geocoded_float, format="MEM", outputType=gdal.GDT_Byte, noData=0, scaleParams=scale_params, ) # attache the color palette if isinstance(palette, str): palette = _get_color_table() band = ds_geocoded_bytes.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetRasterColorTable(palette) band.SetRasterColorInterpretation(gdal.GCI_PaletteIndex) del band # Save to disk if creation_options is None: creation_options = [] ds_out = gdal.Translate( os.fspath(outfile), ds_geocoded_bytes, format=drv_name, creationOptions=creation_options, ) # , rgbExpand='rgba') return ds_out
[docs] def etad2ql( etad, outpath, *, correction_type: CorrectionType = ECorrectionType.SUM, direction: Literal["x", "y"] = "x", meter: bool = True, drv_name: str = "PNG", creation_options=("WORLDFILE=YES",), ): """Generate a geo-coded quick-look image starting from an ETAD product.""" if not isinstance(etad, Sentinel1Etad): etad = Sentinel1Etad(etad) else: etad = etad if outpath is None: outpath = etad.product.with_suffix(".png").name merged_correction = etad.merge_correction(correction_type, meter=meter) # masked arrays data = merged_correction[direction] lat = merged_correction["lats"] lon = merged_correction["lons"] height = merged_correction["height"] return save_geocoded_data( outpath, data, lat, lon, height, drv_name=drv_name, creation_options=list(creation_options), )