Statistics computation

Notebook setup

# %matplotlib notebook  # does not work in JupyterLab
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import sys
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import s1etad

Product introspection and navigation

filename = '../../sample-products/S1B_IW_ETA__AXDH_20200127T113414_20200127T113858_020002_025D72_0096.SAFE'
product = s1etad.Sentinel1Etad(filename)
Sentinel1Etad("../../sample-products/S1B_IW_ETA__AXDH_20200127T113414_20200127T113858_020002_025D72_0096.SAFE")  # 0x7fce4fd88390
Number of Sentinel-1 slices: 11
Sentinel-1 products list:
Number of swaths: 3
Swath list: IW1, IW2, IW3
Azimuth time:
  min: 2020-01-27 11:34:14.475597
  max: 2020-01-27 11:38:58.167033
Range time:
  min: 0.005371080957826855
  max: 0.006416814907377812
Grid sampling:
  x: 8.081406101630269e-07
  y: 0.028777788199999974
  unit: s
Grid spacing:
  x: 200.0
  y: 200.0
  unit: m
Processing settings:
  troposphericDelayCorrection: True
  ionosphericDelayCorrection: True
  solidEarthTideCorrection: True
  bistaticAzimuthCorrection: True
  dopplerShiftRangeCorrection: True
  FMMismatchAzimuthCorrection: True
swath = product['IW1']
burst = swath[1]
t, tau = burst.get_burst_grid()
print('t.shape', t.shape)
print('tau.shape', tau.shape)
t.shape (111,)
tau.shape (403,)
correction = burst.get_correction(s1etad.ECorrectionType.SUM, meter=True)
rg_correction = correction['x']
az_correction = correction['y']
print('rg_correction.shape', rg_correction.shape)
print('az_correction.shape', az_correction.shape)
rg_correction.shape (111, 403)
az_correction.shape (111, 403)
plt.imshow(correction['x'], extent=[tau[0]*1e6, tau[-1]*1e6, t[0], t[-1]], aspect='auto')
plt.xlabel(r'$\tau\ [\mu s]$')
plt.ylabel('t [s]')
plt.title('{} correction in range direction'.format(correction['name']))
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'sum correction in range direction')

Collect data statistics

NOTE: statistics are also available in the XML annotation file included in the S1-ETAD product

import pandas as pd

Initialize dataframes

x_corrections_names = ['tropospheric', 'ionospheric', 'geodetic', 'doppler', 'sum']
xcols = [('', 'bIndex'), ('', 't')] + [
    (cname, name)
    for cname in x_corrections_names
    for name in ('min', 'mean', 'std', 'max')
xcols = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(xcols)
xstats_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=xcols, dtype=np.float64)

y_corrections_names = ['geodetic', 'bistatic', 'fmrate', 'sum']
ycols = [('', 'bIndex'), ('', 't')] + [
    (cname, name)
    for cname in y_corrections_names
    for name in ('min', 'mean', 'std', 'max')
ycols = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(ycols)
ystats_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=ycols, dtype=np.float64)

Collect statistics

for swath in product:
    for burst in swath:
        az, _ = burst.get_burst_grid()
        t = np.mean(az[[0, -1]])

        # range
        row = {
            ('', 'bIndex'): burst.burst_index,
            ('', 't'): t
        for name in x_corrections_names:
            data = burst.get_correction(name, meter=True)
            row[(name, 'min')] = data['x'].min()
            row[(name, 'mean')] = data['x'].mean()
            row[(name, 'std')] = data['x'].std()
            row[(name, 'max')] = data['x'].max()
        xstats_df = xstats_df.append(row, ignore_index=True)

        # azimuth
        row = {
            ('', 'bIndex'): int(burst.burst_index),
            ('', 't'): t
        for name in y_corrections_names:
            # NOTE: meter is False in this case due to a limitation of the
            # current implementation
            data = burst.get_correction(name, meter=True)
            row[(name, 'min')] = data['y'].min()
            row[(name, 'mean')] = data['y'].mean()
            row[(name, 'std')] = data['y'].std()
            row[(name, 'max')] = data['y'].max()

        ystats_df = ystats_df.append(row, ignore_index=True)

Inspect results

Correction statistics in range direction

tropospheric ionospheric ... geodetic doppler sum
bIndex t min mean std max min mean std max ... std max min mean std max min mean std max
0 1.0 1.582778 2.155326 2.714470 0.145982 2.858699 0.009107 0.009528 0.000177 0.009969 ... 0.001659 0.119038 -0.388467 -0.001669 0.220652 0.387346 1.977618 2.848050 0.281908 3.358570
1 4.0 4.331057 2.163874 2.707724 0.147308 2.858642 0.008750 0.009168 0.000172 0.009595 ... 0.001654 0.118861 -0.390278 0.000689 0.222749 0.393396 2.117201 2.843175 0.259000 3.363231
2 7.0 7.093725 2.298610 2.738260 0.095753 2.858575 0.008407 0.008809 0.000167 0.009222 ... 0.001668 0.118819 -0.391369 0.000025 0.223233 0.393376 2.247333 2.872574 0.241518 3.364020
3 10.0 9.856392 2.329711 2.735871 0.099814 2.860330 0.008076 0.008454 0.000161 0.008853 ... 0.001664 0.118681 -0.392313 -0.001560 0.222806 0.390904 2.073561 2.868118 0.254228 3.360668
4 13.0 12.604671 2.220333 2.681844 0.142236 2.860439 0.007739 0.008107 0.000154 0.008488 ... 0.001647 0.118491 -0.386082 0.000791 0.220615 0.389624 2.029879 2.815948 0.275655 3.360558

5 rows × 22 columns

Maximum value of corrections in range direction

              bIndex    306.000000
              t         282.079880
tropospheric  min         3.076796
              mean        3.189554
              std         0.227448
              max         3.305507
ionospheric   min         0.014389
              mean        0.014750
              std         0.000205
              max         0.015121
geodetic      min         0.113129
              mean        0.116042
              std         0.001812
              max         0.119038
doppler       min         0.475521
              mean        0.006117
              std         0.268563
              max         0.471421
sum           min         2.730788
              mean        3.306536
              std         0.378128
              max         3.867100
dtype: float64

Correction statistics in azimuth direction

geodetic bistatic fmrate sum
bIndex t min mean std max min mean std max min mean std max min mean std max
0 1.0 1.582778 0.008805 0.009118 0.000159 0.009418 -3.657967 -3.109659 0.317352 -2.561351 -0.569971 0.040845 0.152048 1.046240 -4.288769 -3.395230 0.388531 -1.899021
1 4.0 4.331057 0.008865 0.009175 0.000158 0.009475 -3.657982 -3.109672 0.317354 -2.561361 -1.120739 -0.003720 0.152041 0.735728 -4.235378 -3.439752 0.328276 -2.288562
2 7.0 7.093725 0.008918 0.009232 0.000159 0.009533 -3.657997 -3.109685 0.317355 -2.561372 -0.823152 0.000050 0.091578 0.471964 -4.237398 -3.435940 0.326020 -2.424142
3 10.0 9.856392 0.008980 0.009290 0.000159 0.009590 -3.658013 -3.109698 0.317356 -2.561383 -0.598072 0.000486 0.096002 0.764596 -4.335532 -3.435461 0.346501 -2.123276
4 13.0 12.604671 0.009036 0.009348 0.000158 0.009646 -3.658029 -3.109712 0.317358 -2.561394 -0.627781 0.010036 0.143159 0.808039 -4.390991 -3.425868 0.363987 -2.126139

Maximum value of corrections in azimuth direction

          bIndex    306.000000
          t         282.079880
geodetic  min         0.013753
          mean        0.013995
          std         0.000167
          max         0.014231
bistatic  min         3.661955
          mean        3.113049
          std         0.376610
          max         2.564143
fmrate    min         1.957247
          mean        0.127447
          std         0.906995
          max         1.909569
sum       min         5.042909
          mean        3.481153
          std         0.979676
          max         2.857225
dtype: float64


iw3 = product['IW3']
iw3_df = ystats_df[ystats_df[('', 'bIndex')].isin(iw3.burst_list)]

t = iw3_df[('','t')]
fmrate_df = iw3_df.loc[:,'fmrate']
fmrate_df.insert(0, 't', t)
fmrate_df = fmrate_df.sort_values(by='t')

fmrate_df.plot(x='t', style='o-')
plt.ylabel('t [s]')
plt.title('IW3 - FM Rate correction (azimuth)')
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
xstats_df.iloc[xstats_df['sum', 'max'].abs().argmax()]
              bIndex    306.000000
              t         282.079880
tropospheric  min         3.076796
              mean        3.189554
              std         0.065287
              max         3.303904
ionospheric   min         0.014389
              mean        0.014750
              std         0.000194
              max         0.015121
geodetic      min         0.088957
              mean        0.091113
              std         0.001214
              max         0.093352
doppler       min        -0.471009
              mean        0.000176
              std         0.266898
              max         0.468082
sum           min         2.723540
              mean        3.305272
              std         0.274704
              max         3.867100
Name: 305, dtype: float64
ystats_df.iloc[ystats_df['sum', 'max'].abs().argmax()]
          bIndex    241.000000
          t         222.236469
geodetic  min         0.012263
          mean        0.012542
          std         0.000145
          max         0.012807
bistatic  min        -3.660727
          mean       -3.112005
          std         0.317592
          max        -2.563283
fmrate    min        -0.203718
          mean       -0.006160
          std         0.029448
          max         0.167373
sum       min        -4.187425
          mean       -3.441411
          std         0.318898
          max        -2.857225
Name: 80, dtype: float64
xstats_df.loc[xstats_df['']['bIndex'] == 306]['sum']
min mean std max
305 2.72354 3.305272 0.274704 3.8671
ystats_df.loc[ystats_df['']['bIndex'] == 241]['sum']
min mean std max
80 -4.187425 -3.441411 0.318898 -2.857225