Source code for s1etad.cli.utils

"""Utility functions for the management of command line arguments."""

import logging
import importlib

from .. import __version__

    import argcomplete
except ImportError:
    argcomplete = None

[docs] def set_logging_control_args(parser, default_loglevel="WARNING"): """Set up command line options for logging control.""" loglevels = [logging.getLevelName(level) for level in range(10, 60, 10)] parser.add_argument( "--loglevel", default=default_loglevel, choices=loglevels, help="logging level (default: %(default)s)", ) parser.add_argument( "-q", "--quiet", dest="loglevel", action="store_const", const="ERROR", help=( "suppress standard output messages, " "only errors are printed to screen" ), ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", dest="loglevel", action="store_const", const="INFO", help="print verbose output messages", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--debug", dest="loglevel", action="store_const", const="DEBUG", help="print debug messages", ) return parser
[docs] def finalize_parser(parser): """Finalize the argument parser provided in input. Arguments for logging control and version printing are added. If the "argcomplete" module is available the automatic completion for the parser is also set-up. The updated parser is returned. """ parser = set_logging_control_args(parser) parser.add_argument( "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s v" + __version__ ) if argcomplete: argcomplete.autocomplete(parser) return parser
[docs] def get_function(func): """Return the function corresponding to the input. If the input `func` parameter is already a callable then it is immediately returned. If the input is a string in the form "modname.[...].funcname" then the required Python package/module is imported and the specified function ("funcname" in the example) is returned. """ if callable(func): return func fullname = func if "." not in fullname: raise ValueError( f"unable to retrieve the module name from: {fullname}" ) modulename, funcname = fullname.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1) module = importlib.import_module(modulename) return getattr(module, funcname)
[docs] def get_kwargs(args): """Convert an argparse.Namespace into a dictionary. The "loglevel" and "func" arguments are never included in the output dictionary. """ kwargs = vars(args).copy() kwargs.pop("func", None) kwargs.pop("loglevel", None) return kwargs