Source code for s1etad.cli.main

"""Simple CLI tool to access S1-ETAD products.

The tool provides a set of sub-commands to perform basic tasks involving
S1-ETAD products.


import logging
import argparse

from . import utils as cliutils
from . import exportkmz, ql

    from os import EX_OK
except ImportError:
    EX_OK = 0

PROG = __package__.split(".")[0]
# LOGFMT = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s -- %(message)s'
LOGFMT = "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s -- %(message)s"

[docs] def get_parser(): """Instantiate the command line argument parser.""" description = __doc__ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, prog=PROG) # Sub-command management subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="sub-commands") # dest='func' exportkmz.get_parser(subparsers=subparsers) ql.get_parser(subparsers=subparsers) parser = cliutils.finalize_parser(parser) return parser
[docs] def parse_args(args=None, namespace=None, parser=None): """Parse command line arguments.""" if parser is None: parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args(args, namespace) # Common pre-processing of parsed arguments and consistency checks # ... if getattr(args, "func", None) is None: parser.error("no sub-commnd specified.") return args
[docs] def main(*argv): """Implement the main CLI interface.""" # setup logging logging.basicConfig( format=LOGFMT, level=DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL ) # stream=sys.stdout logging.captureWarnings(True) log = logging.getLogger(PROG) # parse cmd line arguments args = parse_args(argv if argv else None) # execute main tasks exit_code = EX_OK try: # NOTE: use the root logger to set the logging level logging.getLogger().setLevel(args.loglevel) log.debug("args: %s", args) func = cliutils.get_function(args.func) kwargs = cliutils.get_kwargs(args) func(**kwargs) except Exception as exc: # noqa: B902 log.critical( "unexpected exception caught: {!r} {}".format( type(exc).__name__, exc ) ) log.debug("stacktrace:", exc_info=True) exit_code = EX_FAILURE except KeyboardInterrupt: log.warning("Keyboard interrupt received: exit the program") exit_code = EX_INTERRUPT return exit_code