Source code for s1etad.cli.exportkmz

"""Generate a KMZ file containing previews of the S1-ETAD corrections."""

import argparse

from . import utils as cliutils

[docs] def get_parser(subparsers=None): """Instantiate the command line argument parser.""" name = "export-kmz" synopsis = __doc__.splitlines()[0] doc = __doc__ if subparsers is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=name, description=doc) else: parser = subparsers.add_parser(name, description=doc, help=synopsis) parser.set_defaults(func="s1etad.kmz.etad_to_kmz") # command line options # ... # positional arguments parser.add_argument( "etad", metavar="etad-path", help="path to the S1-ETAD products (a directory)", ) parser.add_argument( "outpath", nargs="?", help="the pathname of the generated KMZ file. " "If not provided then a KMZ file having the same input product " "basename is generated in the current working directory", ) if not subparsers: parser = cliutils.finalize_parser(parser) return parser