Source code for s1etad

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Tools for easy access to Sentinel-1 Extended Timing Annotation Datasets.

This module provides a set of classes to open and access all elements,
data and meta-data, of the Sentinel-1 Extended Timing Annotation Datasets

Basic elements are:

* :class:`Sentinel1Etad`
* :class:`Sentinel1EtadSwath`
* :class:`Sentinel1EtadBurst`

import enum
import pathlib
import warnings
import functools
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from scipy import constants
from lxml import etree
from netCDF4 import Dataset

import pandas as pd
from dateutil import parser

from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon
import simplekml

__version__ = '0.2.0'
__all__ = [
    'Sentinel1Etad', 'Sentinel1EtadSwath', 'Sentinel1EtadBurst',

[docs]class ECorrectionType(enum.Enum): TROPOSPHERIC = 'tropospheric' IONOSPHERIC = 'ionospheric' GEODETIC = 'geodetic' BISTATIC = 'bistatic' DOPPLER = 'doppler' FMRATE = 'fmrate' SUM = 'sum'
CorrectionType = Union[ECorrectionType, str]
[docs]class Sentinel1Etad: """Sentinel-1 ETAD product. Class to decode and access the elements of the Sentinel ETAD product which specification is governed by ETAD-DLR-PS-0014 The index operator [] (implemented with the __getitem__ method) returns a Sentinel1EtadSwath instance. Attributes ---------- product : pathlib.Path path of the S1-ETAD product (it is a directory) burst_catalogue : pandas.DataFrame dataframe containing main information of all bursts present in the product """ def __init__(self, product): """ Parameters ---------- product : str or pathlib.Path path of the S1-ETAD product (it is a directory) """ self.product = pathlib.Path(product) self.ds = self._init_measurement_dataset() self._annot = self._init_annotation_dataset() self.burst_catalogue = self._init_burst_catalogue() def _init_measurement_dataset(self): """Open the nc dataset.""" list_ = [i for i in self.product.glob("measurement/*.nc")] rootgrp = Dataset(list_[0], "r") rootgrp.set_auto_mask(False) return rootgrp def _init_annotation_dataset(self): """Open the xml annotation dataset.""" list_ = [i for i in self.product.glob("annotation/*.xml")] xml_file = str(list_[0]) root = etree.parse(xml_file).getroot() return root @functools.lru_cache() def __getitem__(self, index): assert index in self.swath_list, f"{index} is not in {self.swath_list}" return Sentinel1EtadSwath(self.ds[index], self.grid_spacing['y']) def __iter__(self): yield from self.iter_swaths() def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{self.product}") # 0x{id(self):x}' def __str__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{}")' @property def number_of_swath(self): return len(self.ds.groups) @property def swath_list(self): return list(self.ds.groups.keys())
[docs] def s1_product_list(self): """Return the list of S-1 products used to compose the ETAD one.""" xp = 'productComponents/inputProductList/inputProduct/productID' dd = self._xpath_to_list(self._annot, xp) return dd
@property def grid_spacing(self): """Return the grid spacing in meters.""" xp_list = { 'x': './/correctionGridRangeSampling', 'y': './/correctionGridAzimuthSampling', } dd = {} for tag, xp in xp_list.items(): dd[tag] = self._xpath_to_list(self._annot, xp, dtype=np.float) dd['unit'] = 'm' return dd @property def grid_sampling(self): """Return the grid spacing in s.""" xp_list = { 'x': './/productInformation/gridSampling/range', 'y': './/productInformation/gridSampling/azimuth', } dd = {} for tag, xp in xp_list.items(): dd[tag] = self._xpath_to_list(self._annot, xp, dtype=np.float) dd['unit'] = 's' return dd
[docs] def processing_setting(self): """Return the corrections performed. Read the xml file to identify the corrections performed. If a correction is not performed the matrix is filled with zeros. """ correction_list = [ 'troposphericDelayCorrection', 'ionosphericDelayCorrection', 'solidEarthTideCorrection', 'bistaticAzimuthCorrection', 'dopplerShiftRangeCorrection', 'FMMismatchAzimuthCorrection', ] dd = {} xp_root = ( 'processingInformation/processor/setapConfigurationFile/' 'processorSettings/' ) for correction in correction_list: xp = xp_root + correction ret = self._xpath_to_list(self._annot, xp) if ret == 'true': ret = True else: ret = False dd[correction] = ret return dd
def _init_burst_catalogue(self): """Build the burst catalog. Parses the XML annotation dataset to create a panda DataFrame containing all the elements allowing to index properly a burst. """ df = None for burst_ in self._annot.findall('.//etadBurst'): burst_dict = dict(burst_.find('burstData').attrib) burst_dict['productID'] = burst_.find('burstData/productID').text burst_dict['swathID'] = burst_.find('burstData/swathID').text burst_dict['azimuthTimeMin'] = self._xpath_to_list( burst_, 'burstCoverage/temporalCoverage/azimuthTimeMin', parse_time_func=lambda x: x) burst_dict['azimuthTimeMax'] = self._xpath_to_list( burst_, 'burstCoverage/temporalCoverage/azimuthTimeMax', parse_time_func=lambda x: x) burst_dict['pIndex'] = int(burst_dict['pIndex']) burst_dict['sIndex'] = int(burst_dict['sIndex']) burst_dict['bIndex'] = int(burst_dict['bIndex']) if df is None: df = pd.DataFrame(burst_dict, index=[0]) else: df = df.append(burst_dict, ignore_index=True) return df
[docs] def query_burst(self, first_time=None, product_name=None, last_time=None, swath=None): """Query the burst catalogue to retrieve the burst matching by time. Parameters ---------- first_time : datetime is set to None then set to the first time last_time : datetime if set to None the last_time = first_time product_name : str Name of a real S1 product e.g. S1B_IW_SLC__1SDV_20190805T162509_20190805T162...SAFE swath : str or list list of swathID e.g. 'IW1' or ['IW1'] or ['IW1', 'IW2'] Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Filtered panda dataframe """ # first sort the burst by time df = self.burst_catalogue.sort_values(by=['azimuthTimeMin']) if first_time is None: first_time = df.iloc[0].azimuthTimeMin if last_time is None: last_time = df.iloc[-1].azimuthTimeMax ix0 = ((df.azimuthTimeMin >= first_time) & (df.azimuthTimeMax <= last_time)) if product_name is not None: # build a regex based on the name to avoid issues with annotation # products and CRC product_name = Sentinel1ProductName(product_name) product_name.to_annotation(value='[AD]') product_name.crc = '' filter_ = product_name.recompose(with_suffix=False) ix0 = ix0 & self.burst_catalogue.productID.str.contains(filter_, regex=True) if swath is not None: if isinstance(swath, str): swath = [swath] ix0 = ix0 & df.swathID.isin(swath) return df.loc[ix0]
def _selection_to_swath_list(self, selection=None): if selection is None: selection = self.burst_catalogue if isinstance(selection, pd.DataFrame): selection = selection.swathID.unique() elif isinstance(selection, str): selection = [selection] return selection
[docs] def iter_swaths(self, selection=None): """Iterate over swaths according to the specified selection. Parameters ---------- selection : list(str) or pd.Dataframe, optional the list of selected swath IDs or the result of a Sentinel1Etad.query_burst query. If the selection is None (default) the iteration is performed on all the swaths of the product. """ selection = self._selection_to_swath_list(selection) for swath_name in selection: yield self[swath_name]
[docs] def xpath_to_list(self, xpath, dtype=None, namespace=None, parse_time_func=None): return self._xpath_to_list(self._annot, xpath, dtype=dtype, namespace=namespace, parse_time_func=parse_time_func)
@staticmethod def _xpath_to_list(root, xpath, dtype=None, namespace=None, parse_time_func=None): ll = [elt.text for elt in root.findall(xpath, namespace)] if parse_time_func is not None: ll = [parser.parse(t) for t in ll] ll = parse_time_func(ll) ll = np.asarray(ll, dtype=dtype) if ll.size == 1: return ll.item(0) else: return ll
[docs] def get_footprint(self, swath_list=None): # , merge=False # TODO """Return the footprints of all the bursts as MultiPolygon. It calls in the back the get_footprint of the Sentinel1EtadBurst class. """ if swath_list is None: swath_list = self.swath_list polys = [] for swath_name in swath_list: for poly_ in self[swath_name].get_footprint(): polys.append(poly_) # TODO: check, Sentinel1EtadSwath.get_footprint returns a MultiPolygon return polys
def _swath_merger(self, burst_var, selection=None, set_auto_mask=False, transpose=True, meter=False): if selection is None: df = self.burst_catalogue elif not isinstance(selection, pd.DataFrame): df = self.query_burst(swath=selection) else: assert isinstance(selection, pd.DataFrame) df = selection # NOTE: assume a specific order of swath IDs first_swath = self[df.swathID.min()] near_burst = first_swath[first_swath.burst_list[0]] last_swath = self[df.swathID.max()] far_burst = last_swath[last_swath.burst_list[0]] rg_first_time = near_burst.sampling_start['x'] rg_last_time = (far_burst.sampling_start['x'] + far_burst.sampling['x'] * far_burst.samples) az_first_time = df.azimuthTimeMin.min() az_last_time = df.azimuthTimeMax.max() az_ref_time = parser.parse(self.ds.azimuthTimeMin) az_first_time_rel = (az_first_time - az_ref_time).total_seconds() sampling = self.grid_sampling dx = sampling['x'] dy = sampling['y'] num_samples = np.round( (rg_last_time - rg_first_time) / dx ).astype( + 1 num_lines = np.round( (az_last_time - az_first_time).total_seconds() / dy ).astype( + 1 img = np.zeros((num_lines, num_samples)) for swath in self.iter_swaths(selection): # NOTE: use the private "Sentinel1EtadSwath._burst_merger" method # to be able to work only on the specified NetCDF variable dd_ = swath._burst_merger(burst_var, selection=selection, # noqa set_auto_mask=set_auto_mask, transpose=transpose, meter=meter) yoffset = dd_['first_azimuth_time'] - az_first_time_rel xoffset = dd_['first_slant_range_time'] - rg_first_time line_ofs = np.round(yoffset / dy).astype( sample_ofs = np.round(xoffset / dx).astype( slice_y = slice(line_ofs, line_ofs + dd_[burst_var].shape[0]) slice_x = slice(sample_ofs, sample_ofs + dd_[burst_var].shape[1]) img[slice_y, slice_x] = dd_[burst_var] return { burst_var: img, 'first_azimuth_time': az_first_time, 'first_slant_range_time': rg_first_time, 'sampling': sampling, } def _core_merge_correction(self, prm_list, selection=None, set_auto_mask=True, transpose=True, meter=False): dd = {} for dim, field in prm_list.items(): dd_ = self._swath_merger(field, selection=selection, set_auto_mask=set_auto_mask, transpose=transpose, meter=meter) dd[dim] = dd_[field] dd['sampling'] = dd_['sampling'] dd['first_azimuth_time'] = dd_['first_azimuth_time'] dd['first_slant_range_time'] = dd_['first_slant_range_time'] dd['unit'] = 'm' if meter else 's' # To compute lat/lon/h make a new selection with all gaps filled swath_list = self._selection_to_swath_list(selection) near_swath = min(swath_list) far_swath = max(swath_list) idx = self.burst_catalogue.swathID >= near_swath idx &= self.burst_catalogue.swathID <= far_swath swaths = self.burst_catalogue.swathID[idx].unique() data = dd['x' if 'x' in prm_list else 'y'] lines = data.shape[0] duration = lines * self.grid_sampling['y'] duration = np.float64(duration * 1e9).astype('timedelta64[ns]') first_time = dd['first_azimuth_time'] last_time = first_time + duration filled_selection = self.query_burst(first_time=first_time, last_time=last_time, swath=swaths) dd['lats'] = self._swath_merger('lats', selection=filled_selection, set_auto_mask=set_auto_mask, transpose=transpose, meter=False) dd['lons'] = self._swath_merger('lons', selection=filled_selection, set_auto_mask=set_auto_mask, transpose=transpose, meter=False) dd['height'] = self._swath_merger('height', selection=filled_selection, set_auto_mask=set_auto_mask, transpose=transpose, meter=False) return dd
[docs] def merge_correction(self, name: CorrectionType = ECorrectionType.SUM, selection=None, set_auto_mask=True, transpose=True, meter=False): correction_type = ECorrectionType(name) # check values prm_list = _CORRECTION_NAMES_MAP[correction_type.value] correction = self._core_merge_correction(prm_list, selection=selection, set_auto_mask=set_auto_mask, transpose=transpose, meter=meter) correction['name'] = correction_type.value return correction
[docs] def to_kml(self, kml_file): kml = simplekml.Kml() # get the footprints burst_ftps = self.get_footprint() kml_dir = kml.newfolder(name=f"Sentinel1 Timing Correction Grid ") for ix, ftp in enumerate(burst_ftps): x, y = ftp.exterior.xy corner = [(x[i], y[i]) for i in range(len(x))] pol = kml_dir.newpolygon(name=str(ix)) pol.outerboundaryis = corner pol.altitudeMode = 'absolute' pol.tessellate = 1 pol.polystyle.fill = 0 = 2 if kml_file is not None: return kml
_CORRECTION_NAMES_MAP = { 'tropospheric': {'x': 'troposphericCorrectionRg'}, 'ionospheric': {'x': 'ionosphericCorrectionRg'}, 'geodetic': {'x': 'geodeticCorrectionRg', 'y': 'geodeticCorrectionAz'}, 'bistatic': {'y': 'bistaticCorrectionAz'}, 'doppler': {'x': 'dopplerRangeShiftRg'}, 'fmrate': {'y': 'fmMismatchCorrectionAz'}, 'sum': {'x': 'sumOfCorrectionsRg', 'y': 'sumOfCorrectionsAz'}, }
[docs]class Sentinel1EtadSwath: def __init__(self, nc_group, daz_m): self._grp = nc_group self._daz_m = daz_m @functools.lru_cache() def __getitem__(self, burst_index): burst_name = f"Burst{burst_index:04d}" return Sentinel1EtadBurst(self._grp[burst_name], self._daz_m) def __iter__(self): yield from self.iter_bursts() def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{self._grp.path}") 0x{id(self):x}' @property def burst_list(self): return [burst.bIndex for burst in self._grp.groups.values()] @property def number_of_burst(self): return len(self._grp.groups) @property def swath_id(self): return self._grp.swathID @property def sampling_start(self): """Relative sampling start times.""" first_burst_index = self.burst_list[0] first_burst = self[first_burst_index] return first_burst.sampling_start @property def sampling(self): first_burst_index = self.burst_list[0] first_burst = self[first_burst_index] return first_burst.sampling def _selection_to_burst_index_list(self, selection=None): if selection is None: index_list = self.burst_list elif isinstance(selection, pd.DataFrame): idx = selection.swathID == self.swath_id index_list = selection.bIndex[idx].values else: index_list = selection return index_list
[docs] def iter_bursts(self, selection=None): """Iterate over bursts according to the specified selection. Parameters ---------- selection : list(int) or pd.Dataframe, optional the list of selected bursts or result of a Sentinel1Etad.query_burst query. If the selection is None (default) the iteration is performed on all the burst of the swath. """ index_list = self._selection_to_burst_index_list(selection) for burst_index in index_list: yield self[burst_index]
[docs] def get_footprint(self, burst_index_list=None): """Return the footprints of all the bursts as MultiPolygon. It calls in the back the get_footprint of the Sentinel1EtadBurst class. """ if burst_index_list is None: burst_index_list = self.burst_list footprints = [self[bix].get_footprint() for bix in burst_index_list] return MultiPolygon(footprints)
def _burst_merger(self, burst_var, selection=None, az_time_min=None, az_time_max=None, set_auto_mask=False, transpose=True, meter=False): """Low level method to de-burst a NetCDF variable. The de-burst strategy is simple as the latest line is on top of the oldest. Parameters ---------- burst_var : str one of the burst netcdf variables selection : list or pandas.DataFRame list of selected bursts (by default all bursts are selected) az_time_min : float minimum azimuth time of the merged swath (relative to the reference annotated in the NetCDF root) az_time_max : float maximum azimuth tim eof the merged swath (relative to the reference annotated in the NetCDF root) set_auto_mask : bool requested for netCDF4 to avoid retrieving a masked array transpose : bool requested to retrieve the correction in array following the numpy convention for dimensions meter : bool transform the result in meters Returns ------- dict a dictionary containing merged data and sampling information: :<burst_var_name>: merged data for the selected burst_var :first_azimuth_time: the relative azimuth first time :first_slant_range_time: the relative (slant) range first time :sampling: a dictionary containing the sampling along the 'x' and 'y' directions and the 'unit' """ burst_index_list = self._selection_to_burst_index_list(selection) # Find what is the extent of the acquisition in azimuth first_burst = self[burst_index_list[0]] last_burst = self[burst_index_list[-1]] if az_time_min is None: t0 = first_burst.sampling_start['y'] else: t0 = az_time_min last_azimuth, _ = last_burst.get_burst_grid() if az_time_max is None: t1 = last_azimuth[-1] else: t1 = az_time_max # azimuth grid sampling dt = first_burst.sampling['y'] num_lines = np.round((t1 - t0) / dt).astype( + 1 num_samples = first_burst.samples debursted_var = np.zeros((num_lines, num_samples)) for burst_ in self.iter_bursts(burst_index_list): assert(dt == burst_.sampling['y']), \ 'The azimuth sampling is changing long azimuth' assert(first_burst.sampling_start['x'] == burst_.sampling_start['x']), \ 'The 2-way range gridStartRangeTime0 is changing long azimuth' # get the timing of the burst and convert into line index az_time_, rg_time_ = burst_.get_burst_grid() line_index_ = np.round((az_time_ - t0) / dt).astype( # NOTE: use the private "Sentinel1EtadBurst._get_etad_param" method # to be able to work only on the specified NetCDF variable var_ = burst_._get_etad_param(burst_var, # noqa set_auto_mask=set_auto_mask, transpose=transpose, meter=meter) debursted_var[line_index_, :] = var_ return { burst_var: debursted_var, 'first_azimuth_time': t0, 'first_slant_range_time': first_burst.sampling_start['x'], 'sampling': first_burst.sampling, } def _core_merge_correction(self, prm_list, selection=None, set_auto_mask=True, transpose=True, meter=False): dd = {} for dim, field in prm_list.items(): dd_ = self._burst_merger(field, selection=selection, set_auto_mask=set_auto_mask, transpose=transpose, meter=meter) dd[dim] = dd_[field] dd['sampling'] = dd_['sampling'] dd['first_azimuth_time'] = dd_['first_azimuth_time'] dd['first_slant_range_time'] = dd_['first_slant_range_time'] dd['unit'] = 'm' if meter else 's' dd['lats'] = self._burst_merger('lats', transpose=transpose, meter=False, set_auto_mask=set_auto_mask) dd['lons'] = self._burst_merger('lons', transpose=transpose, meter=False, set_auto_mask=set_auto_mask) dd['height'] = self._burst_merger('height', transpose=transpose, meter=False, set_auto_mask=set_auto_mask) return dd
[docs] def merge_correction(self, name: CorrectionType = ECorrectionType.SUM, selection=None, set_auto_mask=True, transpose=True, meter=False): correction_type = ECorrectionType(name) # check values prm_list = _CORRECTION_NAMES_MAP[correction_type.value] correction = self._core_merge_correction(prm_list, selection=selection, set_auto_mask=set_auto_mask, transpose=transpose, meter=meter) correction['name'] = correction_type.value return correction
[docs]class Sentinel1EtadBurst: def __init__(self, nc_group, daz_m): self._grp = nc_group self._daz_m = daz_m def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{self._grp.path}") 0x{id(self):x}' @property def swath_id(self): return self._grp.swathID @property def burst_index(self): return self._grp.bIndex
[docs] def get_footprint(self): """Return the footprint of ghe bursts as shapely.Polygon. It gets the lat / lon / height grid and extract the 4 corners. """ lats, lons, heights = self.get_lat_lon_height() corner_list = [(0, 0), (0, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, 0)] etaf_burst_footprint = [] for corner in corner_list: lat_, lon_, h_ = lats[corner], lons[corner], heights[corner] etaf_burst_footprint.append((lon_, lat_, h_)) etaf_burst_footprint = Polygon(etaf_burst_footprint) return etaf_burst_footprint
[docs] def get_burst_grid(self): """Return the t, tau grid of the burst.""" azimuth = self._get_etad_param('azimuth', set_auto_mask=True) range_ = self._get_etad_param('range', set_auto_mask=True) return azimuth, range_
@property def sampling_start(self): """Relative sampling start times.""" return dict( x=self._grp.gridStartRangeTime0, y=self._grp.gridStartAzimuthTime0, units='s', ) @property def sampling(self): return dict( x=self._grp.gridSamplingRange, y=self._grp.gridSamplingAzimuth, units='s', ) @property def lines(self): return self._grp.dimensions['azimuthExtent'].size @property def samples(self): return self._grp.dimensions['rangeExtent'].size def _get_etad_param(self, name, set_auto_mask=False, transpose=True, meter=False): assert name in self._grp.variables, f'Parameter {name!r} is not allowed' self._grp.set_auto_mask(set_auto_mask) field = np.asarray(self._grp[name]) if transpose: field = np.transpose(field) if meter: if name.endswith('Az'): k = self._daz_m / self.sampling['y'] elif name.endswith('Rg'): k = constants.c / 2 else: # it is not a correction (azimuth, range, lats, lons, height) k = 1 warnings.warn( f'the {name} is not a correction: ' 'the "meter" parameter will be ignored') field *= k return field
[docs] def get_lat_lon_height(self, transpose=True): lats = self._get_etad_param( 'lats', transpose=transpose, meter=False, set_auto_mask=True) lons = self._get_etad_param( 'lons', transpose=transpose, meter=False, set_auto_mask=True) h = self._get_etad_param( 'height', transpose=transpose, meter=False, set_auto_mask=True) return lats, lons, h
def _core_get_correction(self, prm_list, set_auto_mask=False, transpose=True, meter=False): correction = {} for dim, field in prm_list.items(): correction[dim] = self._get_etad_param( field, set_auto_mask=set_auto_mask, transpose=transpose, meter=meter) correction['unit'] = 'm' if meter else 's' return correction
[docs] def get_correction(self, name: CorrectionType = ECorrectionType.SUM, set_auto_mask=False, transpose=True, meter=False): """Retrieve the correction for the specified correction "name". Puts the results in a dict. Parameters ---------- name : ECorrectionType or str the desired correction set_auto_mask : bool requested for netCDF4 to avoid retrieving a masked array transpose : bool requested to retrieve the correction in array following the numpy convention for dimensions meter : bool transform the result in meters Returns ------- dict a dictionary containing the following items for the requested correction: :x: correction in range (if applicable) :y: correction in azimuth (if applicable) :unit: 'm' or 's' :name: name of the correction """ correction_type = ECorrectionType(name) # check values name = correction_type.value prm_list = _CORRECTION_NAMES_MAP[name] correction = self._core_get_correction(prm_list, set_auto_mask=set_auto_mask, transpose=transpose, meter=meter) correction['name'] = name return correction
class Sentinel1ProductName: """Class to manipulate the filename of Sentinel 1 products.""" def __init__(self, product_name): self.__product_name = pathlib.Path(product_name) self.suffix = self.__product_name.suffix self.file_name = self.__product_name.stem self._parts = self.file_name.split('_') # trick for SLC if len(self._parts) == 10 and 'SLC' in self.ptype: del self._parts[3] self.ptype = 'SLC_' def __repr__(self): class_name = self.__class__.__name__ return f'{class_name}("{self.__product_name}") # 0x{id(self):x}' @property def mission(self): return self._parts[0] @mission.setter def mission(self, value): self._parts[0] = value @property def mode(self): return self._parts[1] @mode.setter def mode(self, value): self._parts[1] = value @property def ptype(self): return self._parts[2] @ptype.setter def ptype(self, value): self._parts[2] = value @property def typepol(self): return self._parts[3] @typepol.setter def typepol(self, value): self._parts[3] = value @property def start_time(self): return self._parts[4] @start_time.setter def start_time(self, value): self._parts[4] = value @property def stop_time(self): return self._parts[5] @stop_time.setter def stop_time(self, value): self._parts[5] = value @property def orbit(self): return self._parts[6] @orbit.setter def orbit(self, value): self._parts[6] = value @property def dtid(self): return self._parts[7] @dtid.setter def dtid(self, value): self._parts[7] = value @property def crc(self): return self._parts[8] @crc.setter def crc(self, value): self._parts[8] = value def is_annotation(self): if self.typepol[1] == 'A': return True else: return False def to_annotation(self, value='A'): ll = list(self.typepol) ll[1] = value self.typepol = ''.join(ll) def to_standard(self): ll = list(self.typepol) ll[1] = 'S' self.typepol = ''.join(ll) def recompose(self, with_suffix=True): pp = '_'.join(self._parts) if with_suffix: pp += self.suffix return pp # --- Jupyter integration ----------------------------------------------------- def _sentinel1_etad_repr_pretty_(obj, p, cycle): if cycle: p.text(repr(obj)) else: p.text(repr(obj)) p.break_() plist = obj.s1_product_list() if isinstance(plist, str): plist = [plist] with, 'Sentinel-1 products list:'): for name in plist: p.break_() p.text(name) p.break_() p.text(f'Number of swaths: {obj.number_of_swath}') p.break_() p.text('Swath list: {}'.format(', '.join(obj.swath_list))) p.break_() with, 'Grid sampling:'): for key, value in obj.grid_sampling.items(): p.break_() p.text(f'{key}: {value}') p.break_() with, 'Grid spacing:'): for key, value in obj.grid_spacing.items(): p.break_() p.text(f'{key}: {value}') p.break_() with, 'Processing settings:'): for key, value in obj.processing_setting().items(): p.break_() p.text(f'{key}: {value}') def _sentinel1_etad_swath_repr_pretty_(obj, p, cycle): if cycle: p.text(repr(obj)) else: p.text(repr(obj)) p.break_() p.text(f'Swaths ID: {obj.swath_id}') p.break_() p.text(f'Number of bursts: {obj.number_of_burst}') p.break_() p.text('Burst list: ' + str(obj.burst_list)) p.break_() with, 'Sampling start:'): for key, value in obj.sampling_start.items(): p.break_() p.text(f'{key}: {value}') p.break_() with, 'Sampling:'): for key, value in obj.sampling.items(): p.break_() p.text(f'{key}: {value}') def _sentinel1_etad_burst_repr_pretty_(obj, p, cycle): if cycle: p.text(repr(obj)) else: p.text(repr(obj)) p.break_() p.text(f'Swaths ID: {obj.swath_id}') p.break_() p.text(f'Burst index: {obj.burst_index}') p.break_() p.text(f'Shape: ({obj.lines}, {obj.samples})') p.break_() with, 'Sampling start:'): for key, value in obj.sampling_start.items(): p.break_() p.text(f'{key}: {value}') p.break_() with, 'Sampling:'): for key, value in obj.sampling.items(): p.break_() p.text(f'{key}: {value}') def _register_jupyter_formatters(): try: ipy = get_ipython() # noqa except NameError: return False else: formatter = ipy.display_formatter.formatters['text/plain'] formatter.for_type( Sentinel1Etad, _sentinel1_etad_repr_pretty_) formatter.for_type( Sentinel1EtadSwath, _sentinel1_etad_swath_repr_pretty_) formatter.for_type( Sentinel1EtadBurst, _sentinel1_etad_burst_repr_pretty_) return True _register_jupyter_formatters()