Use case 4: corner reflector

This section explains how to identify bursts in which the corner reflector (CR), having known geodetic coordinates, is visible, and how to get corrections at CR location.

Notebook setup

%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import s1etad
from s1etad import Sentinel1Etad, ECorrectionType

Searching bursts in which the CR is present

Load the S1-ETAD product.

filename = '../../sample-products/S1B_IW_ETA__AXDH_20200127T113414_20200127T113858_020002_025D72_0096.SAFE'
eta = Sentinel1Etad(filename)

The CR position has been chosed to be in the overlab region of different bursts and swaths.

from shapely.geometry import Point

lat0 = +70.13  # 70° 7'48.65"N
lon0 = -76.19  # 76°11'41.55"W
h0 = 366

cr = Point(lon0, lat0)

Query for burst cobering the CR.

selection = eta.query_burst(geometry=cr)
bIndex pIndex sIndex productID swathID azimuthTimeMin azimuthTimeMax
294 273 10 3 S1B_IW_SLC__1ADH_20200127T113802_20200127T1138... IW3 2020-01-27 11:38:24.612132034 2020-01-27 11:38:27.806466524
193 275 10 2 S1B_IW_SLC__1ADH_20200127T113802_20200127T1138... IW2 2020-01-27 11:38:26.396354902 2020-01-27 11:38:29.619467181
295 276 11 3 S1B_IW_SLC__1ADH_20200127T113827_20200127T1138... IW3 2020-01-27 11:38:27.374799701 2020-01-27 11:38:30.569134191

Get corrections at CR location

Reatrieve the first burst.

burst = next(eta.iter_bursts(selection))

Get RADAR coordinates (range and azimuth time) of the CR.

tau0, t0 = burst.geodetic_to_radar(lat0, lon0, h0)
tau0, t0
(array([0.00068153]), array([253.13628054]))

Get image coordinates (line and sample) of the CR.

NOTE: image coordinates area flaoting point numbers including pixel fractions.

line, sample = burst.radar_to_image(t0, tau0)
print(f'Line {line} of {burst.lines}, sample {sample} of {burst.samples}.')
Line [104.2382231] of 112, sample [10.33385208] of 462.

Get the correction.

correction = burst.get_correction(s1etad.ECorrectionType.SUM, meter='True')
data = correction['x']  # summ of corrections in the range direction

Interpolate the correction at the specified RADAR coordinates (tau0, t0).

azimuth_time, range_time = burst.get_burst_grid()

interpolator = interp2d(range_time, azimuth_time, data)

value_at_radar_coordinates = interpolator(tau0, t0)

print(f'The correction value at RADAR coordinates (tau0, t0) = ({tau0}, {t0}) is {value_at_radar_coordinates}')
The correction value at RADAR coordinates (tau0, t0) = ([0.00068153], [253.13628054]) is [2.63362235]

Interpolate the correction at the specified image coordinates (line, sample).

xaxis = np.arange(burst.samples)
yaxis = np.arange(burst.lines)

interpolator = interp2d(xaxis, yaxis, data)

value_at_image_coordinates = interpolator(sample, line)

print(f'The correction value at image coordinates (sample, line) = ({sample}, {line}) is {value_at_image_coordinates}')
The correction value at image coordinates (sample, line) = ([10.33385208], [104.2382231]) is [2.63362235]

Putting all together

from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(selection), ncols=1, figsize=[13, 8])

for loop, burst in enumerate(eta.iter_bursts(selection)):
    # get RADAR and image coordinates
    tau0, t0 = burst.geodetic_to_radar(lat0, lon0)
    line0, sample0 = burst.radar_to_image(t0, tau0)
    print("xy  ", burst.swath_id, burst.burst_index, line0, sample0, burst.radar_to_geodetic(tau0, t0))
    print("time", burst.swath_id, burst.burst_index, tau0, t0, burst.radar_to_geodetic(tau0, t0))

    # correction
    cor = burst.get_correction(s1etad.ECorrectionType.SUM, meter='True')

    ax[loop].imshow(cor['x'], aspect='auto')
    rec_half_size = 1
    p = Rectangle((sample0 - rec_half_size, line0 - rec_half_size),
                  width=rec_half_size*2+1, height=rec_half_size*2+1,
                  color='red', fill=True)

    # get the range and azimuth time axes
    azimuth_time, range_time = burst.get_burst_grid()

    # interpolate at the desired working (RADAR) coordinates
    f_t  = interp2d(range_time, azimuth_time, cor['x'])

    # get the image (lines and samples) axes
    yaxis = np.arange(azimuth_time.size)
    xaxis = np.arange(range_time.size)

    # interpolate at the desired working (image) coordinates
    f_ij = interp2d(xaxis, yaxis, cor['x'])

    print(f"Interpoaltion by array coordinate {f_ij(sample0, line0)} or time {f_t(tau0,t0)} should be the same")
    print(f"The total correction at lat/lon {lat0, lon0} is  {f_ij(sample0, line0)} m in range")
xy   IW3 273 [104.2382231] [10.33385208] (array([70.13]), array([-76.19]), array([345.19365682]))
time IW3 273 [0.00068153] [253.13628054] (array([70.13]), array([-76.19]), array([345.19365682]))
Interpoaltion by array coordinate [2.63362235] or time [2.63362235] should be the same
The total correction at lat/lon (70.13, -76.19) is  [2.63362235] m in range

xy   IW2 275 [42.2382231] [464.33385204] (array([70.13]), array([-76.19]), array([345.19366271]))
time IW2 275 [0.00068153] [253.13628054] (array([70.13]), array([-76.19]), array([345.19366271]))
Interpoaltion by array coordinate [3.15004682] or time [3.15004682] should be the same
The total correction at lat/lon (70.13, -76.19) is  [3.15004682] m in range

xy   IW3 276 [8.2382231] [10.33385205] (array([70.13]), array([-76.19]), array([345.19366086]))
time IW3 276 [0.00068153] [253.13628054] (array([70.13]), array([-76.19]), array([345.19366086]))
Interpoaltion by array coordinate [3.43524444] or time [3.43524444] should be the same
The total correction at lat/lon (70.13, -76.19) is  [3.43524444] m in range

burst.radar_to_geodetic(tau0, t0)
(array([70.13]), array([-76.19]), array([345.19366086]))
{'x': array([[3.49604194, 3.49691115, 3.49730289, ..., 3.82785377, 3.8304929 ,
        [3.48959644, 3.48999044, 3.4893733 , ..., 3.81987377, 3.82197888,
        [3.48315835, 3.4835356 , 3.48297197, ..., 3.8173234 , 3.8183186 ,
        [2.5892973 , 2.58881512, 2.58739174, ..., 2.98362816, 2.98421541,
        [2.57893314, 2.57848116, 2.57948612, ..., 2.97558522, 2.97617406,
        [2.56909729, 2.57009158, 2.57060984, ..., 2.96754318, 2.96813198,
 'y': array([[ 0.06291091,  0.06343373,  0.06280198, ..., -0.62483416,
         -0.61949097, -0.61650535],
        [ 0.05533918,  0.05469434,  0.05180551, ..., -0.64686918,
         -0.64284249, -0.63878479],
        [ 0.0476772 ,  0.04699454,  0.04410948, ..., -0.65730509,
         -0.65570317, -0.65868017],
        [-0.73682517, -0.73933902, -0.73962994, ..., -2.5462182 ,
         -2.55198691, -2.55778481],
        [-0.73308893, -0.73559835, -0.74144064, ..., -2.55743637,
         -2.5632627 , -2.56911877],
        [-0.73018955, -0.73611326, -0.74087232, ..., -2.56850759,
         -2.57439153, -2.58030575]]),
 'unit': 'm',
 'name': 'sum'}